Survey 1 Final Results
Thank you to all those who provided feedback in the first Survey for Project Prattville.
Click to download pdf of Survey 1 Final Results
(Includes 870 responses as of July 22, 2020)
Q1. How do you rate your overall quality of life in Prattville?
Very good | 44.1% |
Good | 46.0% |
Fair | 8.4% |
Unsatisfactory | 0.7% |
Very Unsatisfactory | 0.8% |
Q2. How has your quality of life changed in the last 5-10 years?
Improved | 31.9% |
Somewhat improved | 29.1% |
Stayed about the same | 26.1% |
Somewhat declined | 6.6% |
Declined | 2.1% |
I am new to the area and not sure… | 4.3% |
Q3. Which of these factors have contributed positively to your quality of life?
Access to goods and services | 60.4% |
Sense of community | 58.1% |
Safety | 56.3% |
Cost of living | 46.0% |
Parks and recreation amenities | 39.4% |
Schools | 29.8% |
Access to healthcare | 24.7% |
Utilities and infrastructure | 24.1% |
Economic opportunity | 21.5% |
Arts and cultural amenities | 16.4% |
Traffic | 14.5% |
- Other (retirement, Maxwell, downtown improvement, brought a house, church, proximity, dog-friendly, Trump, hard work, positive attitude, my job, mayor, family here, private schools, cleanliness, none of the above)
Q4. Which of these factors have limited or reduced your quality of life?
Traffic | 53.9% |
Schools | 23.4% |
Cost of living | 20.3% |
Arts and cultural amenities | 19.4% |
Economic opportunity | 19.2.% |
Utilities and infrastructure | 18.6% |
Parks and recreation amenities | 16.7% |
Safety | 14.7% |
Access to healthcare | 12.9% |
Access to goods and services | 11.3% |
Sense of community | 8.4% |
- Other (health, lack of civic center, poor leadership none of the above, COVID, exclusionary practices, poor/lack of choice internet, lack of good daycars, making Prattville bigger than it should be, entertainment, not many places for teenages to hang out safely, commercial buildings slated to go behind residential neighborhood, mass movement from Montgomery, too many apartments, need sore sidewalks, nothing to do here, government actions, low income housing, not revitalizing older areas of town, bars/alcohol, sprawls, administration, no places to ride safely)
Q5. How do you rate the following public facilities and services?
Very Good | Good | Fair | Poor | Very Poor | I’m not sure | |
Parks and Recreation | 25.37% | 44.29% | 20.30% | 6.00% | 2.08% | 1.96% |
Public Schools | 12.96% | 37.85% | 27.66% | 8.33% | 3.24% | 9.95% |
Library | 17.90% | 41.34% | 19.75% | 3.00% | 1.50% | 16.51% |
Road Conditions | 6.13% | 46.01% | 38.38% | 7.40% | 2.08% | 0.00% |
Traffic Flow | 4.39% | 28.41% | 42.84% | 15.94% | 8.31% | 0.12% |
Sidewalks/Pedestrian facilities | 8.29% | 37.10% | 29.03% | 14.52% | 7.26% | 3.80% |
Bicycle facilities | 2.09% | 10.31% | 21.67% | 21.78% | 12.75% | 31.40% |
Planning and zoning | 3.82% | 24.77% | 33.22% | 13.31% | 7.52% | 17.36% |
Fire Protection | 41.70% | 43.55% | 5.34% | 0.23% | 0.35% | 8.83% |
Police Protection | 44.59% | 42.74% | 8.06% | 1.15% | 1.04% | 2.42% |
Garbage Collection | 44.85% | 38.82% | 8.64% | 2.53% | 0.92% | 3.23% |
Recycling | 11.76% | 22.15% | 20.42% | 15.11% | 9.11% | 21.45% |
Water System | 28.08% | 52.93% | 10.82% | 2.53% | 0.69% | 4.95% |
Sewer System | 25.61% | 49.48% | 10.89% | 2.43% | 0.93% | 10.66% |
Stormwater Drainage | 15.34% | 44.87% | 21.22% | 5.07% | 1.38% | 12.11% |
Q6. Which of these factors have limited or reduced your quality of life?
Public Schools | 67.3% |
Public Safety | 50.1% |
Business Development | 32.3% |
Downtown Revitalization | 26.2% |
Industrial and workforce development | 24.8% |
Parks and Recreation | 23.7% |
Utilities and infrastructure | 18.4% |
Community appearance or image | 17.1% |
Neighborhood revitalization | 16.6% |
Arts and cultural amenities | 13.7% |
Access to healthcare | 12.9% |
Housing | 10.3% |
Environmental protection | 9.0% |
Transportation | 8.4% |
- Other (keep it family friendly, repurpose empty commercial buildings, no more/too many apartments, internet service, technology and learned science, stop trying to make Prattville a larger city, systemic racism, quit destroying forest by my house and fluoridating our water, more entertainment/things to do, overruling homes and placement of industrial building near residential areas, storm drainage, broader recycling program, more sidewalks, better planning for growth, mental health care, COVID, activities for families, bike facilities, taxes/ta distribution, smoking bans at city-sponsored events, hiking trails)
Q7. In your opinion, what improvement would have the most positive, long-term impact on Prattville?
The following graphic represents the frequency with which key words and phrases appeared among responses. More frequent responses are indicated with a larger font.
Q8. Check all of the following that apply to you?
I live in Prattville | 91.0% |
I own property in Prattville | 53.3% |
I work in Prattville | 37.7% |
I own a business in Prattville | 11.6% |
I live near but outside of Prattville | 8.0% |
None of the above | 0.2% |
Q9. Where do you work?
In Prattville | 38.7% |
In Montgomery | 34.3% |
I am retired | 13.1% |
I am not working currently | 5.8% |
In Autauga County, but outside Prattville | 5.0% |
In Elmore County, but outside Prattville | 5.1% |
Q10. For residents, how long have you lived in Prattville?
More than 20 years | 48.7% |
11-20 years | 22.7% |
5 years or less | 13.1% |
6-10 years | 10.6% |
Not a Prattville resident | 5.0% |
Q11. For residents, do you rent or own your home?
Rent | 8.9% |
Own | 85.5% |
Not a Prattville resident | 5.7% |
Q12. For residents, is your home on public sewer?
On public sewer | 73.3% |
On septic system | 17.8% |
I’m not sure | 3.7% |
Not a Prattville resident | 5.4% |
Q13. What is your gross annual household income?
$110,000-149,999 | 20.8% |
$90,000-$109,999 | 19.4% |
$70,000-$89,999 | 17.2% |
$50,000-$69,999 | 13.4% |
$150,000-$199,999 | 10.755% |
$30,000-$49,999 | 7.6% |
Under $30,000 | 5.6% |
$200,000 or more | 5.4% |
Q14. How far did you go in school?
Bachelor’s Degree | 33.3% |
Master’s Degree or higher | 23.8% |
Some college | 21.8% |
High School diploma or equivalent | 11.1% |
Associate’s Degree | 9.2% |
Some High School | 0.7% |
8th grade or less | 0.1% |
Q15. For residents, if you have school-aged children, where do they attend school?
Autauga County Schools | 41.2% |
Private schools | 8.8% |
Home school | 3.2% |
Elmore County Schools | 0.1% |
I am a Prattville residents without school-age children | 40.0.% |
Not a Prattville Resident | 4.9% |
Q16. What are the best ways to keep you informed about community events?
Social Media | 90.7% |
City of Prattville Website | 51.8% |
32.0% | |
TV news | 25.6% |
School Notifications | 20.2.% |
Mailer | 19.7% |
Radio | 12.7% |
Newspaper | 7.8% |
Q17. As the Comprehensive Plan is updated, meeting will be held to get input from the community. Rank the following options based on your availability to participate in planning sessions?
Monday evening | 3.82% |
Tuesday evening | 3.85% |
Thursday evening | 3.28% |
Friday evening | 2.17% |
Saturday morning or afternoon | 2.26% |